Seeing the photo of the new EMR livery on the front of the September issue highlights what to me is a retrograde step – I think this new scheme is most uninspiring.
I have always thought that the old livery, predominantly white with red and blue trim, was rather smart and stylish, and always kept clean. In contrast, to me, the new scheme is just “sludge” colours, which will just merge into a purple blur from a distance.
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Abellio has been adding ‘EMR Intercity’ or ‘EMR Regional’ to coach sides recently as an interim measure, and this actually looks quite good – couldn’t they have just left it at that?
I fear the designer of the infamous First Group ‘Barbie’ livery has struck again.
He’s not colour-blind by any chance?
David Jane, Sheffield
Liveries on modern trains, like steam loco colours, are a hot topic of debate. Look at the contrast between the LNER and GWR Class 800 unit. A dark livery, if clean, looks great on a sunny day, but on a dull day just looks…er, dull – Ed.
Read more Letters, Opinion, News and Features in the October 2019 issue of The RM –on sale now!