Public invited to send in Railway Rainbows to lift key workers


Railway Rainbows

Railway station teams are inviting the public to send in home-made pictures of rainbows to display at Bristol Temple Meads, Reading and London Paddington – in an effort to lift the mood of key worker commuters.

The Railway Rainbows project is open to all ages and follows a similar initiative many people have adopted across the country where they draw rainbows and place them in the windows of their homes.

Network Rail said that the Railway Rainbows will be put up at the stations for the entirety of the coronavirus crisis and beyond with some being made into permanent displays to remind everyone of the efforts of all key workers at this challenging time.

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Help brighten up stations

Mustaq Haji, Network Rail’s station manager at London Paddington, said: “Our rail workers are doing a vital job in keeping Britain connected.

“We hope lots of people will get behind Rainbow Railways and help brighten up our stations, provide positivity for passengers traveling to and from work, and that those taking part enjoy creating their artwork.“

Public invited to send in Railway Rainbows to lift key workers at Bristol Temple Meads.

Andy Phillips, Network Rail’s station manager at Reading and Bristol Temple Meads, said: “It would be great to give those passengers who need to travel by rail to get to and from work something to enjoy.

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Other passengers are urged to stay at home and avoid unnecessary journeys.

“We will put up as many as we can during the current crisis and display some permanently at all three of our stations to honour key workers.”

Entrants are asked to include their name, age and which station they would like their artwork to be displayed.

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To enter your artwork share on Twitter with @networkrailwest using the hashtag #RailwayRainbows or email it to

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