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Ribble Steam Railway and Museum – Temporary Front of House Assistant


Ribble Steam Railway and Museum are looking for a Front of House Assistant to work alongside a small team of professional staff and volunteers. Together you will deliver an enjoyable museum and attraction visit experience and build our online presence.

This is a varied role and you will get a good understanding of what it is like to run a museum and working heritage attraction, welcoming visitors on our open days and getting involved in digital communications. 

We are looking for someone who enjoys working with others and is committed to helping others flourish, appreciating, respecting and valuing the contributions of all. 

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The Front of House Assistant is a temporary 6-month position and offers a great opportunity to get some sound industrial heritage work experience in a fascinating working environment.

Further information is outlined here: Front-of-House-Assistant-Job-Specification-20-07-21-Issue 4

The Front of House Assistant

Salary: £16,016 pa 

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Contract: August 2021 – 28 February 2022

Hours: 28 hrs per week (including bank holidays and weekends in season)

Location: Preston Docklands

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Application deadline: Friday 13 August 2021 12 pm

Interviews: Mid August 2021

To be considered for this role, please include in your submission:

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  1. A covering letter to say why you would like to be considered for this role. Telling us about your abilities, skills and experience in relation to the role duties and responsibilities outlined. Front-of-House-Assistant-Job-Specification-20-07-21-Issue 4 
  2. An Up-to-date CV
  3. Your Application Form – RSR Job Application Form V1.0 01.19 -1.3 (see download)
  4. Your GDPR Consent Form – RSR GDPR Consent Form for Job Applicants 01.19 (see download)

Please email 1 to 4 to Linda Crawley, Front of House Manager at linda.crawley@ribblesteam.co.uk by Friday 13 August 2021 12 pm. For an informal chat about the role please contact Mike Rigg, Ribble Steam Railway Director mike.rigg@ribblesteam.co.uk or call 07904 952505.

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