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The Ivatt Diesel Recreation Society was formed in 2011 with the aim of producing a recreation of the lost pioneer mainline diesel loco, 10000, which, along with its twin 10001, was scrapped in 1968, long before the diesel preservation movement got off the ground.
10000 emerged from Derby works on December 4, 1947 and entered service 9 days later. It was a successful testbed leading to classes including 20,31,37,40 and 50.

Fast forward 43 years to 2011 and a group of chaps were discussing lost diesel designs, and what the possibility would be of recreating them. It might have all ended there, but one of them happened to know that a set of ex-EM2 / class 77 bogies were stored at Butterley and were almost identical to the bogies used on 10000.

Fate was on the side of the project. An advert was spotted for a genuine Mk1 16 SVT, number IH1861. It had been produced as part of the same batch of engines as fitted in 10000 but had ended up as standby generator in a RAF base. The final major component acquired was loco 58022. In common with 10000, Class 58 has a chassis, rather than the more usual monocoque body. It is virtually the same length as that of 10000 and so is ideal as a basis for constructing a new recreated loco.

During 2022 we have been stripping the 58 to its chassis, which will be lifted during the summer so that it can be prepared to fit the EM2 bogies, creating a rolling chassis.
Watch the Ivatt Diesel Recreation Society’s most recent videos here, and check out their 2022 promo below.
To donate or volunteer see the website www.LMS10000.co.uk or phone 0755 162 1685.