Steam at last for Ivatt No. 41313


THE third and final member of the former Ivatt Trust trio of ‘2MTs’ donated to the Isle of Wight Steam Railway (IoWSR) steamed on June 3, more than 50 years after its withdrawal by British Railways.

On the day in question 2-6-2T No. 41313 made its first tentative moves in the East Somerset Railway’s (ESR) yard at Cranmore, where the ‘Mickey Mouse’ tank has been under restoration for the IoWSR for the past two years.

Newly restored Ivatt ‘2MT’ 2-6-2T No. 41313 awaits No. 46447 to come onto the front at Cranmore during its inaugural day in traffic on June 24. PETER NICHOLSON

Further light engine runs were undertaken over the following fortnight, with the loaded test run taking place on July 17.

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Resplendent in BR lined black with late crest on the tank sides, No. 41313 was officially launched into traffic at Cranmore on June 24 by the chairman of the Isle of Wight Steam Railway Steve Oates, and the East Somerset Railway chairman, Dick Masters.

The event was attended by 45 volunteers, staff and directors, who had travelled over from the Isle of Wight for the occasion. Also in steam was ‘2MT’ 2-6-0 No. 46447, the second of the Ivatt Trust trio to be restored in 2014, and which is on a 10-year loan to the ESR.

Read more in the July 2017 issue of The RM – on sale now!

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