UK’s largest gathering of historic railway vehicles taking place this summer


Train manufacturer Alstom will open its factory to the public for the first time to host the UK’s largest gathering of historic railway vehicles this summer.

Carol Taylor/ALSTOM

The Greatest Gathering event between August 1 and 3 will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the world’s first passenger train service.

The three-day event will mark the first time Alstom has opened its factory in Derby to the public.

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More than 50 rolling stock exhibits from the past, present and future of the railways will be on display, featuring a combination of those powered by steam, diesel and electricity.

The locomotives include:

– LNER Class A4 Sir Nigel Gresley, built in 1937.

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– Southern Railway Merchant Navy Class British India Line, built in 1945.

– Class 37 Cassiopeia, built in 1963.

Up to 30,000 people are expected to attend.

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The event is part of the industry’s wider festivities of Railway 200, a year-long celebration marking 200 years since the opening of the Stockton and Darlington Railway in north-east England on September 27 1825, which is credited as being the birth of the modern railway.

Alstom’s Europe region president Gian Luca Erbacci said: “The Greatest Gathering, presented by Alstom for Railway 200, is a unique opportunity to celebrate not only the incredible progress of the past two centuries but also the bright future of rail.

“This event is about bringing people together to reflect on what we’ve achieved collectively and to inspire the next generation to push the boundaries of what’s possible in sustainable transport.”

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Tickets are on sale now, with all profits split between five charities.

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