THE Mid-Norfolk Railway picked up the ‘Polar Express’ franchise for Christmas 2017, running 41 trains spread over 14 days between December 1 and 23.
It proved to be a great success, giving a reported sell-out passenger total of 12,300.
All trains were worked by the two resident Class 47s – Nos 47367 and 47596 Aldeburgh Festival – with visiting Class 50 No. 50026 Indomitable on standby.
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The one time the ‘Hoover’ was called upon though, it sat and started to blow a mist of oil and so was moved back to the yard.
Trains ran from Dereham to Hardingham, where a stage was constructed to represent the North Pole.
Less than a week later, with Christmas Day in between, the MNR ran its Winter Warmer diesel gala on December 29-30.
Read more in February’s issue of The RM – on sale now!