THE Statfold Narrow Gauge Trust (SNGT) was inaugurated during a grand opening of the reconstructed museum building (The Roundhouse) at Statfold Barn Railway on March 10.
Steps towards formation of a trust began last year (RM April 2017) with SNGT securing the future of the unique collection assembled at Statfold by Graham Lee. SNGT trustees are Graham Lee, Henry Noon, Nick Noon, Paul Lewin, Paul Ingham and Martyn Ashworth.

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Full museum accreditation is being sought.
Alterations to the one-time grain store include adding a mezzanine floor, forming the Hunslet Gallery, displaying Hunslet 0-4-0STs King of the Scarlets, Michael and Gertrude, plus a Hunslet diesel.
The old Hunslet museum, next to the farm courtyard, has been closed and converted into a machine shop for the separate Statfold Engineering Ltd business.
A full catering facility has been added, together with a reception area, the latter in preparation for future general opening to the public, and developing the museum as an events facility. A shop will be opened in due course.
The railway is currently open on specified days each year to advance ticket holders only.
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