Tralee on a staff pass – Grandfather’s memories

I WAS interested to see a picture of the Tralee train station shed (RM, April 2016, p39), without the track in the main part of the shed.

My interest in Tralee station is that in August 1899 my paternal grandparents walked down the platform on their honeymoon. My wife and I were able to walk down that same platform exactly 100 years later in August 1999!

My grandfather worked as a brass turner in Derby Locomotive Works.

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He told me that Tralee was about as far as you could go from Derby on a free pass. (I hesitate to disagree, but they could have gone on to Dingle!).

The route: Derby to Heysham on the Midland Railway, then Heysham to Ireland on the ferry owned by the Midland, and finally on an Irish railway to Tralee, using the agreement that existed between the Irish Railways and the rest of the UK allowing the interchange of staff tickets.

Bideford, North Devon

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Read more letters in May’s edition of The RM

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