THE way has been cleared towards further new construction at Boston Lodge following the building of improved sea defences at the eastern end of The Cob (RM Jan).
The work will be primarily concentrated on the ‘Bottom Yard’.
Plans for redevelopment include building a new three-road carriage storage shed on the seaward perimeter (enabled by construction of the new sea wall) and a new two-road carriage shed between this and the carriage repair works. These buildings will provide covered accommodation for 30 and 10 full-length carriages, respectively.
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The life-expired loco running shed – alongside the 1900-built erecting shop – will be demolished and replaced by three new loco sheds, each specifically accommodating Ffestiniog ‘single engines’, Ffestiniog ‘double engines’ (i.e. Fairlie locos) and Welsh Highland Garratts.
The 1970s-built erecting shop extension behind the 1900-built erecting shop (a historic building which will be retained) will be demolished and a new erecting shop, incorporating an overhead crane, constructed.
The ‘Top Yard’, the most historic part of the works complex, will be conserved, with enhancements limited to re-creating the old wagon storage shed and a wall, which linked this to the blacksmith’s shop.
The cost of the redevelopment is likely to be around £4.5million, covering a substantially more comprehensive project than originally envisaged.
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