RE-ROOFING of the three tram depots at Crich Tramway Village (National Tramway Museum) has been completed as the Derbyshire museum continues its project to safeguard the long-term condition of its historic collection.
The work is being carried out in order to provide a drier, controlled environment in which to store the tramcars. This will hopefully eliminate the problems associated with the accumulation of mould, which has become prevalent in some trams in recent years, owing to inefficient insulation and the effects of condensation.
The situation made the BBC headlines in March of last year when a severe mould outbreak, caused by a warm and damp winter, affected no fewer than five of the restored vehicles.
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The museum was awarded £100,000 by the Government in early 2017 towards the £300,000 cost of insulating the depot.
Following the ‘Big Shunt’ on November 5, when the depot buildings were emptied of stock, contractor Bailey Construction has been overseeing the project, primarily focused on the re-roofing, which began in early December.
Read more in February’s issue of The RM – on sale now!