THE first of six vehicles which will form the three Class 230 DMUs ordered by West Midlands Trains for use on the Bedford to Bletchley ‘Marston Vale’ line returned by road to Vivarail’s site at Long Marston on May 10 after painting in Derby.
The former LT D78 car for set No. 230 003 has a white & green livery (the red doors are the originals and temporarily fitted for transport; they will be replaced in the finished trains).

Vivarail was busy preparing the coaches for set Nos. 230 004/005 in mid-May and these will also be sent to Derby for painting by W G Tankers.
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The conversion work includes the removal of two of the doors midway along the coach body and the installation of a PRM accessible toilet.
The formation of the three trains for West Midland Trains will be as follows:
No. 230003, vehicle Nos. 301003/301103
No. 230004, vehicle Nos. 301004/301104
No. 230005, vehicle Nos. 301005/301105
The trains are expected to be available for driver training by August, with entry into passenger service planned from the December timetable change.
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